Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mike Lopergolo Talks About his Love of Antiquing

The first indication I had that antiquing was special to me was the first day I entered an antiques shop. You know how you enter a room and you feel the instant energy - good or bad? You can just feel it. Well, there was that same thick profound energy that I felt the very first time I entered an antiques shop. I could feel things talking to me - not verbally, just in some familiar way. I felt comfortable. I felt at home. I also felt intrigued and wanted to know more.

My sense from that day on was the smell that made the antique shop seem "real". Heck, it was also a great place to find treasures. To me, if the place has a musty, damp, “old’ smell, then my interest is piqued and I will look through every inch of the place to find whatever I’m looking for... or not looking for.

The antiques that interest me the most are items that have been “used” by someone up close and personal such as a phone, radio or TV. Something that the person touched 100 yrs ago is what interests me the most. I can hold it and almost feel what the original owner was feeling when they used the item. In some cases I will do research and try and find a definitive history on the item.

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